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Tres mentiras(2014)

别名:Tres Mentiras

演员: 诺拉·纳瓦斯 Carmen San Esteban 伊莱尼娅·巴格里艾图 Mikel Losada Azucena Trincado



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《Tres mentiras》剧情内容介绍

《Tres mentiras》


Tres mentiras又名Tres Mentiras

1971. Three pregnant teenagers are interned in a flat in Bilbao to hide what in that time was a terrible disgrace, to be a single mother. Current time. Violet, NORA NAVAS, is a brave, strong woman that will insist on finding the truth. Helped by Angel, MIKEL LOSADA, what happened in that flat in Bilbao during the last days of Franco regime.