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Topo y Wera(2018)




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《Topo y Wera》相关推荐

学爸 黄渤、单禹豪 5.9
老板娘3 徐冬冬、吴卓羲 4.1
1. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
2. 极寒之城/ 10-05
3. 制暴/ 01-04
4. 最好的相遇/ 03-05

《Topo y Wera》剧情内容介绍

《Topo y Wera》


Topo y Wera

A young couple of deported Mexicans gets by in Tijuana between resourcefulness and petty theft. The little they earn goes into drugs and slot machines. She was raised in Los Angeles and he spent his life in gangs, which left him with a bullet wound in the head that sometimes affects his memory. But all the wounds, the drugs and the gambling cannot **** them forget that at one t...