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Tom Segura: Disgraceful(2018)

演员: 汤姆·赛格拉




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《Tom Segura: Disgraceful》


Tom Segura: Disgraceful

脱*核糖十三 2018-01-16


RainbowCannon 2023-02-26

还行 相比起段子 更喜欢他的attitude

willow 2018-01-16

flow还是很棒,有几下脑补了黄上和*门…Tell that motherf**ker I appreciate it 2333

胡多芬diudiu 2019-03-10


张华弥 2019-07-13

delivery, flow, rhythm敞亮又清脆,小动作——气声挺有效的。整体还是太无害了,哪怕是低俗段子也是无害的样子,尤其是相似的话题和Louis一比还是不够爽利

叮叮猫儿 2019-07-22

这场蛮好玩的 喜欢anti-pc的段子 the meaning of life-**** this place lets go home;in'n'out咋啦就是要点double double哈哈哈words we cant say anymore-retarded主要是他举例好好玩***和midget的 fights are like handjobs u dont really want one but lets see how it goes还有大学就看起来像47笑死

K 2019-05-17

*着眼睛讲英语那段真的是又气又好笑, 哈哈哈哈哈哈

salty 2018-01-17

i guess i need a new louie eh mutha fuckas i appreciate it

阿米多特. 2022-08-25

now this is a guy who’s a combination of Ricky Gervais and a cat

Lucinde 2018-01-15

故事还是很棒 cheap but i love it!