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To a Tee(2007)

演员: Matt Riddlehoover Lindsey Hancock Ryan Basham




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《To a Tee》相关推荐

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2. 极寒之城/ 10-05
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《To a Tee》剧情内容介绍

《To a Tee》


To a Tee

A seriocomic feature about a playwright who feeds off his stubborn attraction to the wrong type of guy. When he attracts the attention of a newspaper columnist who will champion his work, success seems guaranteed until he meets her boyfriend.

hayden 2018-08-04

男主和best girlfriend的故事,前半段描述2人之间的好感情;后半段男主**好友的男朋友,遭到唾骂。

ryan 2011-04-01

omfg! so boring! it's about a *** man hooks up w his girl friend's boyfriend. not worth checking out.