Everything is complicated in Yoni's life. He's almost 13, really smart, but physically underdeveloped and struggles daily to quickly grow into the physique of a man for his up-coming Bar Mitzvah. His classmates bully him every chance they get and his parents barely say a word to each other or, if at all, communicate through him. As if all this weren't enough his autistic brothe...
🌞娘卷卷🌙 2012-04-21
【北京**电影节展映影片】剧作扎实, 情感动人, 小大人帅正太塑造的相当给力.
lowai 2012-05-04
(a) 故事不****) 小男孩演得挺好的 (c) 最后的happy ending有点突然 (d) 学校里面bullying真是到处都存在啊 (e) 原来****有不读书的...
Django 2017-10-15
一家人的哀与愁。 上**直在看着我们。
Cristina 2012-04-23
结局有点莫名其妙 不过细节塑造很细致
隐君子 2024-07-17
***国的电影,鱿鱼书本抹蜜的公知文故事记忆犹新,最大的笑话 (01:37:46)
Melodyo. 2020-03-06
奥古斯都不好么 2016-03-03