The X Files - Season 3, Episode 23: Wetwired在线观看和下载

The X Files - Season 3, Episode 23: Wetwired(1996)

演员: David Duchovny Gillian Anderson




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《The X Files - Season 3, Episode 23: Wetwired》剧情内容介绍

《The X Files - Season 3, Episode 23: Wetwired》


The X Files - Season 3, Episode 23: Wetwired

A man who killed five people claims that all of his victims were the same war criminal he saw on TV. Investigation by Mulder and Scully turn up something unusual with the television signals in the area, and Mulder must uncover the truth before Scully becomes the next killer.

= ̄(エ) ̄= 2011-12-17
