

别名:The Silence of the Mole




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异国原乡 Annabelle Lengronne、斯特凡纳·巴克 6.7
回首尔 朴智敏、吴光禄 5.9
1. 圣奥梅尔/ 06-17
2. 无花果树下/ 11-27
3. 森林之境/ 02-04
5. 海与岸/ 07-06
6. 公园的沙地/ 07-17
7. 磁场/ 11-05
9. 老师,别哭/ 09-02
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 女囚风暴1995/ 11-21
12. 坠落的审判/ 12-25




我在杀人政府卧底的日子原名:El Silencio del Topo,又名The Silence of the Mole

Anais Taracena started filming Elías Barahona in 2014, when he was a witness in a trial for crimes against humanity that occurred during the civil war in Guatemala. Two weeks later, he died. Barahona was known as ‘The Mole’, a journalist who infiltrated the bowels of the most repressive government in Guatemala’s history, working for the Minister of Interior, Donaldo Ruiz. Unabl...

KarenLausanne 2021-11-27

3.5 2021.11.26 Warwick 第一次在国外看非英语的纪录片,镜头语言挺独特,氛围营造的蛮好。但整部电影看的过程中感触颇多,看完后就一般了。详细的长评说吧。memory,truth and justice

Refugee 2022-04-30

전주국제영화제 4/30 // 看到有人说浅尝辄止,血淋淋的现实呈现在眼前,已经无所谓浅尝或咽下。观影中总是联想起别的事,一些同样恐怖和非人的事。