The Romantics
This three part television series, presented by eminent historical writer Peter Ackroyd, Romantics explores the turbulent story of the pioneers of modern imagination: their private pleasures, personal dreams and political passions. Between 1760 and 1830 the imaginations of a few individuals re-ordered human perception. English poets such as William Blake and Lord Byron were are...
柯勒律治郁 2018-04-17
ICHIGO 2019-11-15
清少纳言 2014-05-22
把现代的伦敦和当年的情景相结合 让演员来说出诗人们的句子 还挺有吸引力的
Nazanin 2018-04-20
洛尔迦的诗 2019-06-25
Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. ——Rousseau
Nebula‘s child 2018-03-03
We have become individuals, striving towards an uncertain future. We’re all romantics.镜头美,演员美,诗美。人类从科学与宗教的国度里醒来,凭借诗歌与艺术的幻象,终要走向永恒。
特洛伊的卡桑德 2017-06-22