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There Will Always Be Christmas(2020)

别名:Middleton Christmas

演员: 南茜·瓦伦 迈克尔·帕尔 特雷弗·斯泰恩斯 艾琳·戴维森 保罗·福克斯




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《There Will Always Be Christmas》剧情内容介绍

《There Will Always Be Christmas》


There Will Always Be Christmas又名Middleton Christmas

In a small town, the dean of a prestigious high school, Alana and her vivacious teenage daughter Samantha plan a holiday concert to save the school with the **** of the new maintenance man, Army veteran Johnny, and his quiet son Max. But when a car accident lands Sam in a life-threatening condition, Alana turns to Johnny for support, and Max makes a desperate decision that will...

熊小叔叔叔 2022-11-28

No.2650 《米德尔顿圣诞节》 这部电影的海报真是奇怪啊,竟然是男二抱着女主,男主连人都没有。话说男主的个子是硬伤啊,太矮了。