The Martin & Lewis Story: The Last Great Comedy Team在线观看和下载

The Martin & Lewis Story: The Last Great Comedy Team(1992)

演员: 杰瑞·刘易斯 迪恩·马丁



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《The Martin & Lewis Story: The Last Great Comedy Team》相关推荐

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《The Martin & Lewis Story: The Last Great Comedy Team》剧情内容介绍

《The Martin & Lewis Story: The Last Great Comedy Team》


The Martin & Lewis Story: The Last Great Comedy Team原名:The Martin & Lewis Story: The Last Great Comedy Team,

Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis were the hottest act in America in the 1950's & the highest paid comedy team in show business. They starred in nightclubs, radio, television & movies. Martin & Lewis were a unique team. Both were talented entertainers & good friends on & off stage. Thru rare TV appearances, film clips, movie highlights & newsreels, follow their career from the beginnin...