The Maniac 2: The Hell Is Back在线观看和下载

The Maniac 2: The Hell Is Back(2016)

演员: 库纳尔·卡波尔 Hazel Keech Manoj Joshi Tia Bajpai Puja Gupta



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《The Maniac 2: The Hell Is Back》剧情内容介绍

《The Maniac 2: The Hell Is Back》


The Maniac 2: The Hell Is Back

Sameer is trying to get control on his supernatural power, but some clues he has got that everything what happened on last sequel, sameer was only one who was behind all this. at the day his parent died he just simply wish that his parents get *** because he is getting irritate about his parants; and they died because of his wishing words. he slowly build his power but he was t...