别名:The Magic Cloak of Oz
The Magic Cloak又名The Magic Cloak of Oz
The fairies of Oz gather in the forest of Burzee one evening and weave a magic cloak that gives the wearer one wish, so long as it has not been stolen. The man in the moon tells them that their messenger should give it to the first miserable person she sees. Two children, Fluff and her younger brother "Bud" (a child's attempt at "brother," which stuck), have just lost their fat...
纯情*1 2022-09-27
这个离谱东西也是花絮里的。黑白纯默片,甚至可以自己找个bgm听😂。又是那个驴,我*了。月亮上的"funny old man"也太***恐怖了我去,这被小孩看见能做噩梦十年。原来那个驴叫Nickodemus😂。这个感觉和绿野仙踪一点关系都没有了啊!!