The First National Family of Stars
When this short “coming attractions” promo was released to exhibitors in 1926, First National was third only ****-*** and Paramount among the major Hollywood studios and was about to celebrate its tenth birthday. Yes, it had lost Chaplin and survived several takeover attempts by its ****** (the 1928 one by Warner Bros would ultimately be successful), but it had also freshly mov...
Lycidas 2019-10-19
@Teatro Verdi “Films on Film”单元。类似电影制片公司推荐旗下明星和新片的广告。看着滚动的片名格外唏嘘,当年花大力气宣传的重磅影片如今绝大多数都遗失了,像是Colleen Moore相当重要的两部作品So Big和Flaming Youth,还有Milton Sills的Men of Steel。pianoforte Mauro Colombis