邻家男孩原名:The Boys Next Door,
Sheen and Caulfield are Bo and Roy, respectively, two California high school grads who vent their frustrations by going on a killing spree. In a hard-hitting, semidocumentary-like style, the film examines the damaged psyches of these two killers as they wend their way throughout Los Angeles randomly choosing and then murdering their victims. The murder scenes are especially bru...
发际线靠后 2020-02-21
BSC*道FHD双语字幕91分钟,博和罗伊是一对损友,博**稀里糊涂,罗伊暴躁痛恨**、**和***。二人以**的行径一路作案,当罗伊杀了博的**之后,博终于忍无可忍…… 查理辛很年轻还有点婴儿肥,在片中泡不到女同学最后找了个阿姨**,喜剧天赋展露无遗!
水牛 2019-01-12
杨浦小囡 2017-06-08
柠檬手链 2020-09-23
树少鸟多 2021-05-18