The Bonnie Parker Story在线观看和下载

The Bonnie Parker Story(1959)

演员: 多萝茜·普罗文妮 杰克·霍根 理查德·巴卡利安 肯·林奇




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《The Bonnie Parker Story》剧情内容介绍

《The Bonnie Parker Story》


The Bonnie Parker Story

In the 1930s, amoral blonde tommy-gun girl Bonnie Parker cut a swath of bodies across the South-West. Starting out on gas stations and bars with side-kick Guy Darrow she graduated to bank hold-ups with Darrow's brother and, after bloodily springing him, her jailed husband. But there was never any doubt who was in charge. Written by Jeremy Perkins

ᠴᠣᠭᠲᠤ🔒 2013-08-01


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邦尼与克莱德的先声 讲漫无目的追求自由的青年 最后结局好草率 没有邦克那种突然的悲剧性

罗西基 2017-10-31

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