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盗贼 罗纳尔德·策尔费尔德、什罗米·亚伯拉罕
杀人犯 Emilia Giudicelli、Vilma Pitrinaite
2. 克拉丽莎/ 08-28
3. Von der Hingabe/ 12-18
4. Peitruss/ 06-23
5. inspira/ 04-22
6. 镜子之外/ 06-22
7. Morning Interim/ 07-04
8. Gueule d'Isère/ 08-07
9. 老师,别哭/ 09-02
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 女囚风暴1995/ 11-21
12. 坠落的审判/ 12-25




山中悲伤的女孩原名:The Sad Girls of the Mountains,

**** depressive teenagers withdraw from patriarchal society to start a new life in a mountain hideout. They transform their misery and melancholia into pornography for their website "Sad Girls" - and use the money they earn to fund their survival. For them, sadness is an act of counter-cultural resistance. Just when everything seems to be going fine, the arrival of two gonzo re...

gdclzz 2024-01-10

德名:*** traurigen Mädchen aus den Bergen,86分钟。