我爱上她了 the fact she didnt rly grow affection on you, purely projection, desire, isolation n shortcomings of her own, a lot of stuff i take for granted is not in-a-whirl thing like it appears to be, seriously i thought it through. yea pretend you are this nonchalant n n calm, just go w this vibe, you dont care abt me, is there even a heartbeat for me
杨浦小囡 2021-06-21
长袜子 2022-01-09
Dirtydung 2020-09-22
FCVQ2020. Drama减量版伯德**,因此在情感上更能取得共鸣,哪怕自己的经历和女主无关。social center对女主的吸引力并不大,但又不至于完全透明,这就省去了许多狗血和接近大多数普通少年的状态。对性的探索和丧母之痛的疗愈是ab故事,成为母亲的冲动始终阻碍对性的享受和伴侣的信任,阴差阳错地制造了许多青春性喜剧才有的桥段。最喜欢的一幕是独自在车里甩头的那段,这种沉醉于自己小天地的癫狂洋溢着充满画框的青春。PS:主演与导演是姑表姐妹的关系,也是剧本初稿作者,故事发生在波特兰。
🍄 2021-03-07
我爱上她了 the fact she didnt rly grow affection on you, purely projection, desire, isolation n shortcomings of her own, a lot of stuff i take for granted is not in-a-whirl thing like it appears to be, seriously i thought it through. yea pretend you are this nonchalant n n calm, just go w this vibe, you dont care abt me, is there even a heartbeat for me