上映时间:2019-10-24(OzAsia Festival)
塑料大棚原名:The Plastic House,
How do you cope with loss and grief? Allison Chhorn draws a self-portrait of a girl tries to face the piercing pain of the absence of her parents. She decides to care for the family’s green house in an attempt to restore a lost balance. Memories intertwine with the passing seasons. A silent fight begins.
[Deleted] 2020-10-15
高棍油条 2020-12-06
BISFF20 在大棚里看塑料大棚 代入感极强👍(论如何在北京冬日室外不露天影展中冻死观众🥶)
绿小野马 2020-12-10
Pincent 2020-10-13
65/100 #NYFF2020Virtual#54 repetitive task as a meditation,过去与现在两种介质
LPM0317 2021-07-14
去年在Cinema Du Reel 看的,蛮好玩的。导演在Letterboxd 看到我标记看过之后顺藤摸瓜找到我的Insta,还亲自DM以表感谢,印象深刻。
选分期大电视机 2020-12-06
北京**短片展映看的,实在看不懂要表达什么 可能是纪念自己的父母 大棚是回忆的桥梁