Student Prince在线观看和下载

Student Prince(1998)

别名:Prince of Hearts

演员: 罗布森·格林 塔拉·菲茨杰拉德 鲁伯特·彭利-琼斯 Gavin Richards Peter Lovstrom




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《Student Prince》剧情内容介绍

《Student Prince》


Student Prince又名Prince of Hearts

The Queen's youngest son is off to university, mainly because "I'm hopeless at anything else". Barry, his new bodyguard, has no time for the royal family and left school at fifteen. He certainly didn't volunteer for this ***, and is damned if he's going to enjoy it. Yet he can't **** liking the hopelessly unworldly young prince, at least, until they both set their eyes on the n...

泠风 2011-04-01

叫兽说: I'm pleased to see boys in love……with literature.

FrozenHeart 2017-08-05

RPJ的颜值简直了!!演玛丽苏王子真合适2333.这电影其实更应该叫The Student Prince's Bodyguard.剧情嘛就是王子的保镖爱上【误】王子并教他学做人的故事

K 2014-10-28

論美的價值ˊ_>ˋ ps 流淚那段演的很好

well 2024-01-30


锦绣(努力开花 2015-03-14


明日歇業 2017-09-29

又名《纯情王子俏保镖》= =第一次看到这种未经人事(咳嗽)的***王子设定,还讨好般地不停给保镖倒茶||||||