Songs & Stories: New York Remembers Rory Gallagher在线观看和下载

Songs & Stories: New York Remembers Rory Gallagher(2006)

演员: Sean Fleming Rory Gallagher Chris Ebneth Donal Gallagher



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《Songs & Stories: New York Remembers Rory Gallagher》剧情内容介绍

《Songs & Stories: New York Remembers Rory Gallagher》


Songs & Stories: New York Remembers Rory Gallagher原名:Songs & Stories: New York Remembers Rory Gallagher,

He blazed a trail for U2 and Boomtown Rats...counted as fans John Lennon and Bob Dylan. But most of all, Irish legend Rory Gallagher spearheaded a cultural revolution, and neither IRA bombs nor British bullets could stop him from rocking the world. A smoking tribute to the potent legacy of a blues artist who was a "little Dr. Jekyll and a little Mr. Hyde."

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