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Snow & Ashes(2010)

演员: Rhys Coiro Marina Eva Marianne Farley Lina Roessler Alex Kudrystky




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《Snow & Ashes》剧情内容介绍

《Snow & Ashes》


Snow & Ashes原名:Snow & Ashes,

Blaise Dumas(Rhys Coiro), war correspondent for Frontline Reporters, covers an armed confict in Eastern Europe. When he wakes from a temporary coma in his home town in Canada, Blaise discovers that his long time collaborator and photographer has not come back with him. He then sets out to recapture the events that led to his friend’s disappearance and his own narrow escape from...

疾走 2014-02-06

Only three people have seen it on Lina Roessler is pretty. War changes everything.

DrMatthew 2013-12-30

真正的好电影却如此鲜为人知!和The Bang Bang Club两部电影完美诠释了“记者”