神秘博士2011年圣诞特别篇前传原名:Prequel to the Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe,
Written by Steven Moffat and starring Matt Smith as the Doctor, this exciting Prequel shows what was happening to the Time Lord moments before the explosive start of the Christmas Special!
Meraki 2022-05-18
瑾羲Qing 2022-09-18
昨日如死 2022-08-25
I think I just wanted a chat before we all the…smithereening. Merry Christmas, Amelia.
k 2020-07-31
为什么这么虐啊 l think I just wanted to chat before all the...smithereening . Merry Christmas,Amelia. Amy这时候还不知道Doctor还活着😭
Daydream ☁️ 2024-05-27
啊啊啊Steven Moffat的调调真的太…“你不在TARDIS,你离开很久了。但我可能只是想跟你说说话,在我成为碎片之前。圣诞快乐,Amelia。” 考古踩到一把美丽的刀。
Edia 2020-02-17
l think I just wanted to chay before the...smithereeninh Merry Christmas, Amelia.
**闭上了眼睛 2020-05-29
? 2022-10-15
🩻 2023-03-16
Three, oh dear, you are not even there.