失落古城马丘比丘原名:The Lost City of Machu Picchu,又名失落的马丘比丘城
High in the Peruvian Andes lies the ancient **** of Machu Picchu, a lost **** of doorways and passages that hint at the ***** of its past. Who were the mysterious people who built it and why
So the Spanish probably never heard about Machu Picchu, and **** importantly, neven found it. It meant that Machu Picchu was left untouched, one of the only major Inca sites to remain intact. While it still poses confounding mysteries, it also holds ***** promise as new technologies and finds allow us to come to terms with the ghosts of Machu Picchu.
ypsilon 2022-07-21
一些没买上马丘比丘门票打算第二天抢临时票的大怨种在去热水镇(马丘比丘山脚下)的inca rail 2小时车程上**看纪录片云游。讲得很清晰,印加人真的是很有科学精神的民族。看完后第一次知道他们的梯田还兼带防洪排水功能,不止是向导说的“试验田”。 也第一次知道jerky一词来自于Quechua(印加**官方语言),源于当地人在寒冷的高海拔地区保存羊驼肉的方式——放在户外经过每天夜晚冰冻白天解冻的好几个循环。更是第一次知道印加人会保存历代国王的**并制作成木乃伊(制作过程和做羊驼干过程一致,一些king jerkey🤯),每年重要节日拉出来、抗在人抬着的**王座上**、接受印第安人的worship。甚至还有专门的侍女负责每日给king jerjey供奉食物、水和驱逐苍蝇。
壞壞噠貓先森 2022-06-27
Vincent_GaoHJ 2022-04-22
So the Spanish probably never heard about Machu Picchu, and **** importantly, neven found it. It meant that Machu Picchu was left untouched, one of the only major Inca sites to remain intact. While it still poses confounding mysteries, it also holds ***** promise as new technologies and finds allow us to come to terms with the ghosts of Machu Picchu.
momo 2023-06-15
侎侎的饭 2022-11-09
静深 2022-04-26
ILYSB 2022-07-03
位于建筑群中***形** 是一块为因蒂瓦塔纳盒神圣石柱 这座石碑 与四位山神对齐 面对圣峰 靠近圣河 与四位强大的山神对齐 必然使让这个地方成为 印加人不可抗拒的向往 马丘比丘到底是帕查库第的**宫廷 宗教中心 还是军事哨所?
Gunzy 2024-10-11
习毓 2024-07-09
爆裂玉米 2022-04-09