别名:Sleepwalking Land
演员: Nick Lauro Teresa Aladino Jasse Ernesto Lemos Macuacua Filimone Meigos Tânia Adelino
梦游之地原名:Terra Sonâmbula,又名Sleepwalking Land
In the midst of Mozambique's devastating civil war, Muidinga, an orphaned refugee, wanders the countryside in search of his mother. His only companion is an elderly storyteller, and the only guide to finding his mother is a dead man's diary. This transporting drama underscores the power of imagination in surviving, and ultimately overcoming, the catastrophe of war
天秤天蝎座 2024-11-27
莫桑比克,战乱中的童话故事。说西班牙语的黑人国家,在现代却依然被白人奴役。流离失所的失忆孤儿,与身边的黑人肤色格格不入,似是白人又似黑人。靠着一具**的日记,和收养自己,目不识丁却能出口成诗的Tio,一路漂泊,掘地三尺开出河道飘向大海,在灯塔处找到了自己的妈妈。可故事也是悲伤的,平民横尸遍野,赤诚的Kindzu为Farida寻找孩子却在最后一刻死在荒野,乐观的Tio陪伴Gasper到最后一刻也病死在海上。这两位善良的男人用生命护送Gasper回到妈妈身边,与书中书环环相扣,扣出了母子的梦圆。最后孩子是不是真的Gasper, 已经不重要了。也许一切,只是孩子和母亲的梦游。 好故事,台词惊艳。我认为这是一颗世界电影里的沧海遗珠。
卿木 2015-10-21