食神争霸原名:Priekhali na konkurs povara...,创作于亚美尼亚地区,具有亚美尼亚语语言版本。由Nerses Hovhannisyan执导,并由Nerses Hovhannisyan任编剧,携幕后团队创作。
号称“亚美尼亚版的食神争霸”,很有意思的故事,属于梁赞诺夫式的悲喜剧风格。PS封面上的飞马是armenfilm studio的标志。 In Moscow Culinary Contest is held. Cooks come from all Soviet republics, including Armenia. The Armenian delegation, the idea must take first place. However, all late, as incidentally helps establish privacy niece of one of the cooks. All hope for the last competition - competition salads. But there happens Dis...