时尚1938原名:Vogues of 1938,又名1938年时装舞会
The blueblooded Van Kletterings are broke; debutante Wendy, slated to remedy this by marrying rich bore Henry Morgan, instead leaves him at the altar and goes to work as a model for high-fashion clothing designer George Curson, whom she soon falls for. But he's happily married (at least on his side) and going into debt financing a show to please wife Mary's desire for stardom. ...
虎珀鱼 2021-04-14
Warner Baxter和Joan Bennett的人设都好可爱,一边穿着轮滑一边在转台上跳舞旋转可太惊险了
lessspicykiss 2023-07-15
复古摄影师*** 2019-09-04
AL包子 2021-04-15
Baxter 和 Bennett 这对太好看了,Baxter整理*饰时,Bennett顺势剪了其一绺头发留念,无意间的相近和眼神交流,最后情难自禁的吻,也太有感觉了吧!