

别名:Cannibal Cabin

演员: 理查德·萨墨斯-卡尔维特 Reece Putinas J. Taviner




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怪诞 Elizabeth Chamberlain、Darrell Portz
他在此处 Oliver Price
4. 租房惊魂/ 03-01
6. 蛾人/ 08-17
7. 猎兽/ 09-09
8. 地狱巴士/ 06-16
9. 热辣滚烫/ 04-21
10. 第二十条/ 04-27
11. 学爸/ 10-14
12. 孤注一掷/ 02-02




食人湖原名:Cannibal Lake,又名Cannibal Cabin

A group of 20 somethings want to end the summer on a high, they take the advice from a girl they met at a festival about a secret rave deep in the Valleys. When their route is detoured they have no choice but to venture into the unknown. Once they come across a derelict aqua park, they soon realize what they thought was their salvation turns out to be the heart of the Cannibals...

梦旅人 2023-06-20

太烂了,一星给片尾曲turn around