我不知道我是否需要豆瓣 或者知乎 或者… I wanna save myself **** time on doing meaningful things. The technology will have cost me at least a year of ** precious life when I reach fifty years of age. I would rather use that time to read books, to go to national parks, to travel around, to look at the starry sky... Leave it behind, and you’ll reach greater things.
[已注销] 2020-10-11
bsnsk 2017-11-17
看的第一部Red original...可能也是最后一部吧
枫叶🍁 2020-07-27
我不知道我是否需要豆瓣 或者知乎 或者… I wanna save myself **** time on doing meaningful things. The technology will have cost me at least a year of ** precious life when I reach fifty years of age. I would rather use that time to read books, to go to national parks, to travel around, to look at the starry sky... Leave it behind, and you’ll reach greater things.
FluorineDog 2019-03-08