

演员: 娜塔莎·金斯基 比利·赞恩 迈克尔·比恩


更新时间: 01-31 05:17

资源状态: 可播放



蜜月惊魂 多丽丝·黛、路易斯·乔丹
一个陌生人的电话 谢利·温特斯、加里·梅里尔
1. 两傻捉尸记/ 06-28
2. 死后余生/ 08-01
3. 寻芳记/ 04-02
4. 暴劫/
7. 致命一夜情/ 09-30
8. 红颜泪痕/ 12-02
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 老板娘3/ 08-30
11. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




杀夫连环计原名:Susan's Plan,

Susan wants her reprehensible ex-husband dead and, in several bungled attempts by henchmen, tries to accomplish the deed. First her boyfriend hires two dim-witted hitmen. Then she hires a former biker boyfriend to smother him in the hospital where he is recuperating from the first attempt. Then Zane's former wife figures out what is going on and wants a part of the action.

**乐 2021-08-15

无论如何看完了,找资源是冲着娜塔莎·金斯基去的,结果有点失望,不过看到了许许多多美国电影里熟悉的身影,比如比利赞恩拉腊·弗林·鲍尔 Lara Flynn Boyle等等,这个片子就算是热热闹闹地演完了。

kylegun 2020-10-24


你的友好邻居 2021-02-16
