Set the Thames on Fire
Set the Thames on Fire follows struggling piano player Art (Michael Winder) and compulsive liar Sal (Max Bennett) as they embark on a string of ludicrous escapades through a dystopian London, ruled over by a grotesque and tyrannical Impresario. On their adventures they encounter a deranged Magician, played by performance artist David Hoyle, an anarchist witch (Phillips) and the...
lanvi_ 2019-01-09
开头华美的爵士风配乐和魔幻夸张的人物装扮 不自觉被带入了一个绮*诡暗肮脏的世界.... 追求自由解脱的主旨还是很浪漫的(为了Lily Loveless来看,依然好美,依然白眼翻得很独特, 但好惨啊....)
绯影寂 2016-11-20