伦敦地下的秘密原名:Secrets of Underground London,
Unearth over 2000 years of history deep below the streets of London On the surface, London is a buzzing, modern metropolis--but underneath lies a secret, hidden world, all but forgotten by the millions of people above. Secrets of Underground London uncovers 2000 years of subterranean history: a world of ancient caves and perfectly preserved Roman remains; mysterious rivers and ...
散木 2022-11-03
王璞一零一 2017-07-23
youcaihua123 2018-03-30
Netflix 上看的。娱乐和知识性具备~
夏日阿绯 2022-04-07
前面chislehurst caves那段…纪录片硬生生搞出鬼片的氛围了啊!而且比很多真鬼片还强?最后有点点无聊~不过看看还挺好玩的。