Sakura sakazuki - jingi在线观看和下载

Sakura sakazuki - jingi(1969)

别名:Cherry Blossom Loyalty Offering - Gambling Code

演员: 高桥英树 北岛三郎 村田英雄 梶芽衣子 神田隆



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《Sakura sakazuki - jingi》剧情内容介绍

《Sakura sakazuki - jingi》


Sakura sakazuki - jingi又名Cherry Blossom Loyalty Offering - Gambling Code

Directed by another old ****** of chanbara almost exclusively of the jidai-geki samurai variety. In 1969, these kinds of films were on the wane. Many good directors were finding themselves high-and-dry, even when it came to bread-and-butter assignments. Uchikawa found most of his later work in TV as his movie career faded.