It doesn’t really matter what I read or think or write, don’t judge me by ** words which are many, but by ** actions which are few. Because if we wait for the meek to inherit the earth, there won’t be anything left to inherit.
But a group of people risk their lives saving lives, that’s a story. How can someone deal with his or her youths? These people gave the best answer. I’d like to call them GREEN PEACE HIPPIES. Minor Utopian. HIST 110 03/21/2021.
同志亦凡人中文站 2015-10-07
李立斯 2021-04-03
1. Mind bomb 2. let go the power 3. 人们本就会在未来付出代价,而activists只是在帮助这个进程加速 4. 激进和策略 5. 长期主义
**鸽子往南飞 2016-04-28
叫我地球小卫士 2019-01-14
真棒。真的棒。真的棒。hipsters can indeed change the world.
奔跑的树袋熊🐨 2019-12-16
raven 2022-01-30
It doesn’t really matter what I read or think or write, don’t judge me by ** words which are many, but by ** actions which are few. Because if we wait for the meek to inherit the earth, there won’t be anything left to inherit.
啫哩啊 2015-11-19
其实不叫大怪兽 2019-04-16
万乡 2022-03-21
But a group of people risk their lives saving lives, that’s a story. How can someone deal with his or her youths? These people gave the best answer. I’d like to call them GREEN PEACE HIPPIES. Minor Utopian. HIST 110 03/21/2021.
超人 2022-03-19