"Reputations" Ike & Monty: Generals at War在线观看和下载

"Reputations" Ike & Monty: Generals at War (1994)

演员: Billy Mitchell 吉姆·诺顿 Veronika Hyks




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《"Reputations" Ike & Monty: Generals at War》剧情内容介绍

《"Reputations" Ike & Monty: Generals at War》


"Reputations" Ike & Monty: Generals at War原名:"Reputations" Ike & Monty: Generals at War,

Archive footage, documents and dramatisations. A profile of the relationship between General Dwight D Eisenhower and Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery, this edition looks at their conflict through interviews and their private correspondence.


下河迷人羊果朗 2018-11-06

竞争性**:针锋相对 英美两方当事人及历史学家间的纠葛分歧很有意思 总之,****耍花招不老实