人工夏娃 第三季在线观看和下载

人工夏娃 第三季(2016)


演员: Oliver Woollford Poppy Lee Friar Ben Cartwright


更新时间: 05-08 19:51

资源状态: 可播放



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《人工夏娃 第三季》


人工夏娃 第三季原名:Eve Season 3,

***'s attempts to **** her sister KT pass for human are derailed when a miraculously recovered Katherine returns to Calimov. To Nick and ***'s horror, Katherine reveals her new range of childbots, which have been placed with local families. To prevent Katherine restoring KT to factory settings, *** smuggles her out of Calimov and back to the Clarke house. But with Will and Lily...

真菜至上 2024-03-10


oh la la 2017-02-24

***的儿童剧继承了英剧一贯的故事性并将主流价值观渗透进去,真正做到了寓教于乐,反观我们儿童剧真的应该好好学习一下#***#最后说“i'll be back”看来还会有下一季

光栅镜相 2023-09-17

最喜欢这类机器人 类的科幻了,一口气刷完三季