Readers observes **** people, three women of different ages and a man, while they are reading. Every take lasts 27 minutes, filmed as a medium shot and in central perspective. Even in the 21st century, when – or so we are told – attention spans among the younger generations are getting ever shorter, it cannot be denied that patience and concentration are necessary in order to o...
╲│┼│╱ 2020-08-09
4+ 依然难以描述,仿佛某个平直时空的折痕
近旁 2022-01-15
红与橙 2020-06-17
叶梓涛 2022-10-07
空空 2022-01-22
看书可以更舒*些,虽然不容易。 Ps: 人类好无聊。
鈴屋ピ子 2023-09-29
热带神经鱼 2022-10-03