R级裸戏原名:Rated R for Nudity,
In this short film, filmmaker Denis Villeneuve takes a playful stab at mass hypnosis. Celebrating the mesmerizing power of movies, he offers mischievous glimpses into a subconscious world inhabited by Bergman, Spielberg... and Bo Derek. The audacious creative force behind Polytechnique and the Oscar®-nominated Incendies, Villeneuve has earned a place among the world's most infl...
发不沾霓 2016-02-04
胤祥 2017-12-18
HasselYeung 2018-07-24
五号出口右转 2018-01-03
降临和银翼**2049之后追了 villeneuve 的所有片子
woodyfalchion 2024-03-30
据说是**实验先锋作品,but Pardon me???
wangzhy 2020-09-28
**的闪烁瞥见:焦土之城配 Masterpiece/ Spielberg 配 Bergman/ 困难配自恋
真无所谓 2023-05-04
高情商:实验性短片 低情商:故意浪费你人生3分钟的恶作剧
KID Y 2018-04-28
#400 **短片,太先锋了,就不打分了。看完之后整个人都不好了
drunkenstain 2024-03-11
迈杰小强 2022-08-06
what the FXXK?中间有一段极为闪烁的画面