枪与玫瑰:赌城现场演唱会原名:Guns N' Roses Appetite for Democracy 3D Live at Hard Rock Las Vegas,
美国知名乐队硬摇滚 枪与玫瑰(Guns N' Roses)专题3D音乐会影片,这部演唱会影片源于2012年11月枪与玫瑰乐队首次入驻*****,下榻硬石酒店后,在Casino的现场巡回演唱会。 Appetite for Democracy 3D is a live concert film released in Cinemas, Broadcast and DVD by Guns N' Roses, filmed live at The Joint at the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas on November 21, 2012, during the Appetite for Democracy tour in celebration of twenty-five years of Appetite for ...
在世界中心喊我 2014-09-20
已经是一种情怀了,最爱的Rocker,Axl Rose
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Ashen one. 2023-07-18
因为Bumblefoot的don't cry前奏所以找来看了,AXL找的这3个吉他手真的绝,SOLO一个比一个好听,台风也不输Slash,DJ Ashaba的好几把LP超好看,可惜现在只剩扫弦超帅的4tus留下来了。