青少年的非主流启蒙原名:Indie Sex: Teens,
Underage *** is one of the most taboo topics on screen. Indie ***: Teens presents the history and role of teenage *** and sexuality on screen from Splendor in the Grass to Kids to Thirteen. The blockbuster **** films of the 80s and **** contemporary **** flicks are all explored as mediums through which **** films have played a central role in adolescent *** education.
StargazeR 2021-12-27
东海棠 2014-08-28
黑色的伯劳 2022-11-14
66min 只是拉了一遍60s至00s **** movie里的***,带了点文化演进,没太多其他视角 补上关于蓝丝绒的吐槽:看**·邓恩演青少年真的很怪异
taulbert 2019-12-29
Dita, 罗娜姗艾奎特出境了。。。一个是巴黎***show,一个是碧海蓝天~~
Life ****** 2022-07-21
还可以 了解到了**** *** movies的发展历程以及串联起童年的观影历程 没有The Film Not Related纪录片的突破采访影像本身 与现实生活接轨的感觉. 可能还可以采访一些80,90年代的家长 interviewees有些单薄
careful 2012-11-15