蜻蜓男孩原名:Dragonfly Boy,
Freshly 21-year-old Graham is currently in a battle over who he is and who he loves. In a world full of opinions and self-hatred, we watch as he endures this struggle and how he grows with himself and the amazing people around him.
zhuzi1984 2023-05-22
爱看电影的浩浩 2022-04-10
MikeCat 2022-10-30
AlanX 2024-03-06
7分,虽然电影的剧本和台词还有待提升,但可以看出导演是把真情实感融入了这部电影。蜻蜓在成为最美的自己之前需要经历许多次蜕变,而我们亦是如此。一位处在身份探索阶段的少年被世俗框架与外界声音所困扰,而对另一个男生的心动和身边朋友的支持与鼓励让他渐渐理清自己是谁以及应当如何生活。“We’re all put on this earth with the ability to take this love and make it into anything we want. At the end of the day, we’re just people, with beautiful emotions, all just trying to make our hearts fly.”