King Vidor Retrospective. 现存唯一16mm拷贝,部分场景乱序但不影响理解。Live music Richard Siedhoff. 意料之外的故事线转折,从年轻人的婚恋观到尝试**的提议再到挽救父母婚姻… 这一部将Vidor领先**反叛传统的理念充分体现出来(当然最后还是落回家庭团结)。看到一屏领先***95年的字幕卡:“We are doing the glorious thing. The world is asleep and we are running away from it - right into the unknown.” 超浪漫超喜欢!
Alvin Hubert 2018-08-20
"Let's not try to be intelligent any longer. What's intelligence got to do with love?"
暂时被** 2020-07-01
巽凌 2017-03-06
#An Idea's Hatched:**的雏形# Cast:已经小写的Eleanor Boardman厌恶综合征;默女Pauline Garon;默男Ben Lyon / William Haines / William Collier Jr.;默女Eulalie Jensen
Lycidas 2020-02-27
King Vidor Retrospective. 现存唯一16mm拷贝,部分场景乱序但不影响理解。Live music Richard Siedhoff. 意料之外的故事线转折,从年轻人的婚恋观到尝试**的提议再到挽救父母婚姻… 这一部将Vidor领先**反叛传统的理念充分体现出来(当然最后还是落回家庭团结)。看到一屏领先***95年的字幕卡:“We are doing the glorious thing. The world is asleep and we are running away from it - right into the unknown.” 超浪漫超喜欢!
Alvin Hubert 2018-08-20
"Let's not try to be intelligent any longer. What's intelligence got to do with love?"
暂时被** 2020-07-01
巽凌 2017-03-06
#An Idea's Hatched:**的雏形# Cast:已经小写的Eleanor Boardman厌恶综合征;默女Pauline Garon;默男Ben Lyon / William Haines / William Collier Jr.;默女Eulalie Jensen