别名:The Loveliest Riddle
演员: Jan Dolanský Veronika Kubarová Ladislav Potmesil Tatjana Medvecká Miroslav Táborský
俏语情谜原名:nejkrásnější hádanka,又名The Loveliest Riddle
Matěj works for a farmer and is in love with his ****’s daughter, Majdalenka. But the greedy man drives him out. Matěj makes his way as far as the royal castle, where a grand contest is being held for the hand of Princess Rozmarýna. Whoever solves three riddles will have her hand in marriage. Matěj is a clever lad, and the princess’s tasks are as easy as pie for him. The king g...
安德烈 2024-09-29
整理网盘发现之前下过这个电影10G 无水印,带捷克语软字幕的版本,应该是目前最**的。电影还算有趣,就是公主给的谜语很无语,谜底很牵强。