Hana lives on the small island of Tonakijima, with a population of 600, and loves reading to the island's children. Mizuki, the president of the school's broadcasting club, notices Hana's talent for engaging others through her storytelling and invites her to join the club. As Hana embarks on this new journey, she experiences many "firsts" huo87**** with the broadcasting club members, deepening her love for reading even ****.
橘子蛋花汤 2025-01-15
源柚灵 2025-01-10
宝井惠 2025-01-08
明日香Asuka 2025-01-08
火吧吧 2025-01-08
Hana lives on the small island of Tonakijima, with a population of 600, and loves reading to the island's children. Mizuki, the president of the school's broadcasting club, notices Hana's talent for engaging others through her storytelling and invites her to join the club. As Hana embarks on this new journey, she experiences many "firsts" huo87**** with the broadcasting club members, deepening her love for reading even ****.
荣誉万州人 2025-01-15
夏日终年 2025-01-08
豆友49525.1441 2025-01-12
不愧是Studio Bind,作画是真的强。后续先不说剧情怎么样,光看这个作画就值得追下去。艺术品!
devilmuscle 2025-01-08
Suarezzz 2025-01-08