Q.E.D. - The True Story of the Elephant Man
Using exclusive access to Joseph Merrick's case history and medical notes, this programme traces the story of the so-called Elephant Man's life, from his birth in Leicester to his premature death in the London Hospital.
Inhacspevivo 2023-03-17
片中接受采访的另一位神经纤维瘤病患者(女性)提到,她尝试了三次才完整地看下《象人》这部电影,因为片中梅里克遭受欺凌的场景让她想起儿时的自己…… 诚然《象人》是一部具有社会关怀性质的电影,因为此片引起的巨大反响才使得此病在英国引起了广泛的重视,但随之而来的也有对患者群体的误解和更深的伤害——梅里克实际上并非神经纤维瘤病患者,而是受害于一种更罕见的疾病“普罗提斯综合征”,简单地将神经纤维瘤病与“象人”这个称号对等,对病人群体是不公平的,也许会给他们带来更多的歧视和困扰。
橙子换马甲 2013-09-02
Tis true, ** form is something odd / but blaming me, is blaming God / Could I ****** myself anew / I would not fail in pleasing you (by Isaac Watts) 【丑人共勉啊哈哈哈哈哈