别名:Prisoners of the Land
土地的囚徒原名:Prisioneros de la tierra,又名Prisoners of the Land
In 1915, a workers employer for the Misiones lands ("mensúes"), travels to Posadas looking for new employees to hire; among music and drinks, hires one in a bar. Later, travels to the work zone, joined by an european doctor and his daughter. She and the stronger of the "mensúes" hired, get along very well; which makes the employer jealous and punish the worker, gaining him hate...
littleBea 2023-04-11
【The Film Foundation修复】很多媒体评论,1939年是好莱坞历史上最伟大的一年。可仔细来看,那时有海斯法典,那一年有种族主义、殖**义都很明显的Gone with the Wind和Gunga Din;而与此同时,阿根廷有这一部Prisioneros de la tierra,描写被**、被殖民者的苦难,描摹最惨烈的家庭悲剧、爱情悲剧,没有“施害者一定要受到惩罚”的创作框架,一切显得更现实、更残忍。
醉梦·聊生 2023-06-25
Myrous 2022-07-23
BAMPFA Summer 2022 修复展 应该是我在bampfa看过最难看的电影了… 看了一眼创作年份就…有点理解了…我果然还是没发对于受好莱坞影响大的古早影片喜欢起来,90分钟**去一半…中间实在是太无聊了 最后这个结尾我真的无语死了…男女主的死一个比一个莫名其妙… 反**这么好的主题处理的这么粗暴我真的…