Prem Yog在线观看和下载

Prem Yog(1994)

演员: 里希·卡普尔 玛德胡.拉格纳特 山米·卡帕尔 沙克迪·卡普尔 普莱姆 曹帕拉




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《Prem Yog》剧情内容介绍

《Prem Yog》


Prem Yog

Maharaj Chatrapal Singh and his wife the Maharani are delighted when they become proud parents of a son - the heir to the thrown of Ramgad. Their delight is short-lived when the Palace Astrologer predicts that Chatrapal will be the last of the Maharajas for Ramgad, and no throne is destined for his son, Raju. Perturbed at this news, Chatrapal decides to protect Raju from the wo...