池生动物原名:Pond Life,
Summertime, 1994. In a quiet mining village just outside Doncaster, a rumour stirs about the legend of a giant carp in the nearby decoy ponds. Trevor takes watch one night at the water's edge. The following night, he decides to lead a brigade of young friends and neighbours on a fishing expedition. In a world of broken families, cassette tapes and rumbling political fever, thes...
woodyfalchion 2022-02-05
多线青春片,平淡而迷茫的色调和情节表现青春,不知道希望做游出去的鱼还是被吊起的鱼。baby fat的Daisy也很可爱。
子哉 2019-08-31
Wednesday 2019-09-02
BullshitArtist 2020-07-25
拍的很流畅 色调 节奏都很好! 如果有点实际性的剧情 或者线索清晰一点 绝对是优秀作品 煽情没有煽到点子上
多咗 2021-02-06
小镇的少年就是池生动物 永远游不出去
nanaas 2024-07-25
再哭我揍你 2023-06-03
Keep on rolling, roll on forever,hope you send me home,roll river, roll river, roll ~
过去即未来 2021-11-08
** 2019-09-13
1)https://shilfa****/unitedkingdom/father-writes-his-own-heartbreaking-obituary-to-warn-others-about-smoking/ ………… 2)https://***.gvm****.**/article.html?id=55987 …………………… 3)https://***.gvm****.**/article.html?id=60743 甘吝那布炒基掰****,愚蠢到臭菸**放入口,菸草等同**,可笑全球禁毒不禁菸,希冀菸在世界上销声匿迹!!己所不欲,无施于人,自食其果,终将泯灭消亡!(*****)
Francis 2019-09-01