People Like Us: Making 'Philadelphia'原名:People Like Us: Making 'Philadelphia',
10 years after the release of "Philadelphia", director Jonathan Demme, *** Hanks, Denzel Washington and others ******* about the ****** of that film and it's important legacy through the years of being the first mainstream Hollywood film about dealing with the topic of ****, revealing its impact on culture and society. Cast and crew talk about the inception of the *******, the ...
小悬子 2015-01-06
2015.01.06 有笑有泪,有惊叹和感动,一部伟大电影的诞生,来自才华、努力,来自责任感和怜悯心,来自对无数在更好的世界出现前死去的人们的缅怀,以及对他们所奉献的一切的感激和珍视。