

别名:Penelope My Love

上映时间:2021-07-21(FID马赛国际电影节) / 2022-10-12(法国)



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西西里岛 Gianni Buscarino、Angela Nugara 7.8
特沃塔和我 Leslie Azzoulai、Hélène Eichers 8.1
1. 慢慢/ 06-03
2. 孩子们/ 08-21
3. 老橡树酒馆/ 11-24
4. 回放/
6. 公园的沙地/ 07-17
7. Anora/ 05-19
8. 暂停时光/ 01-26
9. 老板娘3/ 08-30
10. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
11. 富都青年/ 04-23
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




亲爱的潘妮洛普原名:Penelope Mon Amour,又名Penelope My Love

“We found a home for you,” filmmaker Claire Doyon tells her **** daughter Pénélope, in the opening scene of this intimate documentary. At the end, you realise this moment was both a triumph and a defeat. Pénélope has Rett syndrome, an autistic spectrum neurological disorder that leads to an early cessation of cognitive development.  Doyon compiled this love letter to her daughte...

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4.2 爱的影像。“......这是我拍摄你的原因,潘妮洛普,摄影镜头是我们保护自己免于他人注释的盾牌,也是我能撑下去的**”

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一个自闭症孩子母亲的18年内心独白 / 中国这样的故事不胜属 却几乎没有完整的长片作品出现 #DocFortnight