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Dream Theater、James LaBrie 8.8
Jeff Buckley、Michael Tighe 8.8《Paul McCartney Back in the U.S.》剧情内容介绍
《Paul McCartney Back in the U.S.》
Paul McCartney Back in the U.S.
sadly, you get to see the fans: some as young as 10, others as old as 65; many crying as they hear the familiar notes that take them back to a happier, simpler time.
假先知 2020-12-04
Beatles no ****. 有些歌听起来挺伤感的。
litanerr 2013-12-17
看到两鬓斑白的汉子一边听all ** ******一边哭成** 看到有人举着NYC 1965 Shea Stadium 看到保安一边维持秩序一边跟着唱nanana 就觉得虽然有时候嫌弃麦卡特尼虚伪狡猾爱名气 但还是感谢他愿意站出来和我们分享曾经的记忆 Thank you Paul
木石子 2020-01-07
Here today献给John;something纪念George
北楼鬼 2010-08-26
绿色直升机 2011-07-29